しかし、現時点でのエビデンスは極めて限られている。レーザーホログラフィー技術を用いて中央部のクリアゾーンを除き、主にコントラストのみを低下させる眼鏡レンズが作成され2年間の大規模RCTが進行中である(Cypresst rial)。
元論文によると、文中のCypress Trial中は、2022/1/31まで実施予定であり、上記の中間分析とは開始12か月後の中間結果とのことである。
This alternative hypothesis, that high retinal contrast signals the eye to grow, predicted that reducing contrast will slow axial growth and prevent myopia progression. A pilot study to test this hypothesis was performed in children with rapidly progressing myopia. The children wore spectacles made to their prescription in which one lens was a standard of care corrective lens, while the contralateral lens incorporated optical elements that modestly reduced contrast. Remarkably, over the three-month trial period, axial growth was drastically reduced in the treated eyes compared to controls. When the lenses were then switched between eyes (i.e., contralateral crossover), the formerly treated eye resumed its growth, and former control eyes virtually stopped growing.